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BabyZen Yoyo Stroller Review

2 August 2013

Let’s face it... travelling with toddlers isn’t the easiest task in the world but luckily, the team at BabyZen are hoping to change that. The revolutionary BabyZen Yoyo has become one of the only strollers accepted as check-on cabin baggage for all major airlines.

This is mainly due to its sleek, compact design. A generously sized, comfortable stroller, it folds down to a fraction of its size in only a few seconds. The Yoyo was designed with parents who often travel in mind, but this stroller is great for city parents who are always on the go and have limited space in the home and even less in the car too. This stroller is also fantastic for parents who use public transport on a regular basis as it’s one of the easiest strollers to transport. Once folded, the Yoyo has a shoulder strap and a weight of only 5.8kg, making it easy to carry anywhere you need to go. With the BabyZen Yoyo the sky is no longer the limit!

On the other hand, compared to many other strollers on the market the Yoyo is quite pricey. Likewise, it’s compact design leaves little room for features like storage and its limited recline makes it unsuitable for a newborn. The recommended age is 6-months and up.

However, if you are looking for a stroller that is versatile, flexible and suits your hectic lifestyle but still provides comfort for your little one, this is a great option. It may be more expensive than it’s competitors but if you need a pram that adapts to your lifestyle and not the other way around, this is a hard one to beat.

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