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Our 5 Favourite Mummy Blogs

Last week we wrote about the rise of the mummy blogger; a whole new genre of online writers who talk candidly (and often hilariously) about motherhood and how it affects their lives. These blogs are not only great to read but they can be a great resourse for other mums, especially if it is their first time. So here are just a few of our favourite mummy blogs out there!

The Little Mumma
A Victorian local, The Little Mama talks openly and honestly about being a mum. She jokes, she complains, she drops the F-bomb and she is completely unappologetic! If you want to read a blog that is open and honest about motherhood with no sugar coating but lots of laughs... The Little Mumma is a winner! 

A Diary of a Mom
A fascinating blog that documents the day to day life of a busy mum, with one tiny difference; she has a daughter who is Autistic. This blog chronicles her family life and talks very honestly about some of the challanges and some of the wonders of raising a child who is different. Her writing forces you to leave your pre-concieved notions behind and adopt a fresh perspective.

Pregnant Chicken
The ultimate mummy blog for the mumma who is not quite there yet, Pregnant Chicken is an incredibly entertaining blog that is an invaluable source of information during those first 9 months. This blog dicusses everything pregnancy including hilarious ways to tell your family you are pregnant, beauty products to avoid whilst pregnant and labour stories from real women. 

Dad or Alive
An interesting take on the traditional mummy blog... the "daddy blog"! This blog shows you a perspective of parenting that is often overlooked and ignored; the point of view of the stay at home dad. Adrian is the father of a 3-year old daughter and 20-month old son and talks through the day-to-day struggles and laughter of family life.

Mama Mia
All hail the queen of the Australian mummy blogs! Former Cosmopolitan editor, Mia Freedman, fronts an all-star cast of bloggers talking about everything from celebrities to politics to the environment... and of course, motherhood! If you like your blogs to be robust, high-brow discussions about everything and anything with a little parenting information on the side, this is the one for you!

So what is your favourite "mummy blog"? Comment below and let us know! 

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